Carmen Jaca – Basque Circular Summit

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Carmen Jaca

Professor and researcher at Tecnun

Carmen Jaca García is a professor at Tecnun, School of Engineering at the University of Navarra. She lectures on different subjects related to sustainability, including projects related to the circular economy with companies.  Since 2021, Carmen has headed the Tecnun Sustainability Strategy, fostering initiatives in waste management and the sustainable culture on the campus.  As a researcher, her work is focused on the circular economy. In this field, she has led and participated in international and national projects to facilitate the transition of the SMEs towards sustainable models, in addition to developing the Circular Market platform.  Carmen has supervised many PhD theses and is the co-author of 2 books and over 50 articles on sustainability.  She is the co-founder of IAQUIS, an international academic network on sustainability.

This is an official World Circular Economy Forum Side Event