
Side events

Side events

9:00 - 9:10
9:00 - 9:10

This series of events associated with the SUMMIT will take place in parallel to the official activities on the 24th.

  9:00 - 9:10
1.00PM - 2.30PM
1.00PM - 2.30PM

Challenges for implementing an environmental labelling scheme in the food and beverage sector

  1.00PM - 2.30PM
1.00PM - 1.05PM Welcome and introduction to the session
  • Cristina Rodríguez, responsible for Sustainability. Eroski

1.05PM - 2.30PM Round table: Vision and challenges in the food and beverage value chain

Moderator: Cristina Rodríguez, responsible for Sustainability. Eroski


  • Environmental Labeling approach from the Basque Government

    Raúl Pérez, director of Quality and Food Industries. Basque Government

  • ENVIROSCORE: Promoting sustainable food production and consumption

    Jaime Zufia, coordinator of Efficient and Sustainable Processes. Azti

  • Genuine consumer transparency with Planet-score: how pioneering companies engage and get the market moving towards sustainability

    Sabine Bonnot, president. ITAB (Institute of agriculture and organic food of France)

  • Environmental labeling as an improvement tool

    Karmele Pikabea, Commercial manager. Euskaber

  • Transparency in environmental communication: Eroski's experience

    Alejandro Martínez, director of Health, Sustainability and Quality. Eroski

  • Environmental information: help or brake for consumers?

    Carmen Redondo, director of Institutional Relations. HISPACOOP (Confederación Española de Cooperativas de Consumidores y Usuarios)

4.00PM - 4.45PM
4.00PM - 4.45PM

Circular Initiatives – Micro strategies with meso impact

  4.00PM - 4.45PM
4.00PM - 4.10PM CIRCUMETRIC - Evaluación de proyectos Circulares

4.10PM - 4.20PM CTI 3.0 - Evaluación a nivel meso

4.20PM - 4.30PM Circularidad Eólica – De la reparación a la reingeniería de multiplicadoras

4.30PM - 4.45PM Mesa redonda – Retos y oportunidades de la circularidad como instrumento de comunicación y reporte ambiental

Moderador: Roberto Campo Almeida, coordinador Ecoinnovación. Grunver Sostenibilidad

Download the session program in PDF
4.45PM - 5.30PM
4.45PM - 5.30PM

Standardising Environmental Assessment – Supply Chain through Environmental Footprinting

  4.45PM - 5.30PM
4.45PM - 4.55PM REEF - A common framework in the Environmental Footprint

4.55PM - 5.05PM The Environmental Footprint - Value Chain Response

5.05PM - 5.15PM The Integrated Assessment on the MT - CPrV and Critical Issues

5.15PM - 5.30PM Round Table - Challenges and opportunities of integrated environmental assessment

Moderator: Dagny Eline Vidal, environmental technician in Circularity and Decarbonization. Grunver Sostenibilidad

Download the session program in PDF