Laura Marrón – Basque Circular Summit

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Laura Marrón

General Manager of the Basque Artificial Intelligence Center

Laura Marrón is a telecommunications engineer and has an executive MBA; she has over 15 years’ experience in technological fields.

General Manager of the Basque Artificial Intelligence Center since it started operations in 2022.

Laura heads the mission to accelerate the rolling out of artificial intelligence in Basque industry, by creating an ecosystem that positions the Basque Country as an international benchmark hub.

Her vision of business management focuses on the ethics and social responsibility of adopting new technologies, stressing their usefulness and facilitating an accessible digital transformation.

She had previously worked in the energy sector, aimed at project and business management, where she acquired a sound technical grounding in Smart Grids, Smart Metering, and Communications.

Laura has always been interested in the R&D technical area and business strategy and development, and has extensive knowledge of the challenges of developing and producing industrial products.

This is an official World Circular Economy Forum Side Event