Aitor Aragon Basabe – Basque Circular Summit

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Aitor Aragon Basabe

Responsible for sustainability and digitalization for the construction industry

Civil engineering working in standardization applied to sustainability assessment and digitalization for the construction industry, including BIM or DPP (digital product passport). Secretariat of the Europan standarization WG dealing with digital twins, digitalization of construction products data, operational energy efficiency of buildings or sustainability assessment of civil engineering works. Participates in European research projects related with digitalization of buildings or infrastructures and in international and European committees related with sustainability or digitalization (like JTC 24 for DPP). He is leading the task related with stakeholders in the feasibility study for the DPP system for construction products for the European Commission. Previously worked in product certification in AENOR International and in software development for transport infrastructures in Vianova Systems.

This is an official World Circular Economy Forum Side Event