Rikardo Minguez graduated as an Industrial Engineer, majoring in Mechanical Engineering, from the Bilbao School of Engineering. He has been a Full Professor since 2022. Director of the Department of Graphic Expression and Engineering Projects since 2016.
Director of the Academic Committee for the Master’s Degree in the Circular Economy: Applied to the Company at the University of the Basque Country.
Director of the Academic Committee for the Project Engineering PhD programme.
He became a visiting researcher at Laval University in Quebec in 2005. Rikardo has coordinated the Product Design Laboratory (PDL) since it was set up in 2005. The Research Group was recognised by the UPV/EHU in 2010 and by the Basque Government in 2018. His current research is focused on the life cycle assessment of products, ecodesign, reverse engineering and the circular economy within the Life Cycle Thinking Group.