


Director of Environmental Quality and Circular Economy - Department for Economic Development, Sustainability and the
Managing Director - Emica Bombas
Green Jobs Officer - Ihobe, Public Environmental Management Company. Basque Government
Gestión de Medio Ambiente - Iberdrola España
Project Manager - 23 setembre-Simpple
Socio-economic analysist at the Directorate-General for Environment - European Commission
Director of Environmental Development - EDP España
Head of the Soil Protection Strategy - Ihobe, Public Environmental Management Company. Basque Government
Director of the Soil Research and Treatment Area - AFESA Medio Ambiente, S.A
HSE Director for Southern Europe & Africa - Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
General Manager - Confebask
R&D technician - Fagor Arrasate (KONIKER)
ESG Director - Kutxabank
Head of Environment and Energy - Siderex
R+D+i Director - Agaleus
MESA Sustainability Manager - Schneider Electric
R&D Manager - Cikautxo S.Coop.
Sustainability and Strategy Manager - Celsa Barcelona y Nervacero
Head of the strategic areas - Mobility and Logistics Cluster of the Basque Country
CEO - Neiker
Financial Planning director - Laboral Kutxa
Managing Director - Gecsa
Head of the R&D&I department - Asfaltia
Deputy Minister for Environmental Sustainability - Basque Government
Manager - Fundación Inatec
MESA General Manager - Schneider Electric
Innovation and Technology Director - Grupo Mondragón
Managing Partner - SINNPLE
Policy officer - Industrial Emissions Directive at DG Environment. Comisión Europea
Vice principal - Sprilur
General Secretary - AVEQ-KIMIKA
General manager - Ihobe, Public Environmental Management Company. Basque Government
Quality and Environment Manager - Petronor
General director - BRTA
Coordinador Ecoinnovación - Grunver Sostenibilidad
Managing Director - IK – Ingeniería
Technical Director - IK Ingeniería
R&D&I department manager - Udapa and Paturpat
Senior Competitiveness & Innovation Analyst - Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL)
Director of the Circular Economy Area - Catalan Waste Agency
Technical secretary - Aprr.eus
R&D Manager - Cementos Rezola
Head of Sustainability - SKFK
Head of the Functional and Sustainable Polymers Area – Gaiker-BRTA
General manager - Basque Food Cluster
Head of Communication and Sustainability - Micolet
Eco-innovation Manager - Ihobe, Public Environmental Management Company. Basque Government
Director of Marketing and Communication - Sarralle
Environmental Circularity and Decarbonisation technician - Grunver Sostenibilidad
Director of HQSE - Orona, S.Coop
Coordinator of the Regional Circular Economy Coalition - UNEP
Circular Economy Director - Ihobe, Public Environmental Management Company. Basque Government
Territorial director - AEDAS Homes
Project and Innovation Coordinator - Koopera
Environment and Energy Lab coordinator and senior researcher - Orkestra-Basque Institute of Competitiveness - Deusto
Industrialisation Director - Viuda de Sainz S.A
Scientific director - NEIKER-BRTA
Electric Mobility Manager in the North - Repsol
General coordinator - Escuela Politécnica Superior - Mondragon Unibertsitatea
Integral Vehicle Area Manager - Irizar
Senior Investigator - TECNALIA-BRTA
Head of Instruments for the deployment of the Basque Energy Transition and Climate Change Law
Executive director - Slow Fashion Next
Natural Gas and Renewable Gases Mobility Development Manager - Nortegas
Environmental Strategy Manager - Campezo Group
Head of the Environment and Management Systems - Tubos Reunidos
CEO - GHI Smart furnaces
Director of Integrated Management Systems - Vicinay Sestao
Environment and Energy Manager - SIDENOR
Commercial Director – Cementos Rezola
R+D+i Director - HJ GARAY Corporation S.A
Project Manager - JOLAS
Responsible for the Environmental Sustainability Strategy - Tecnum
Composite and Plastic Materials Technician - BATZ S. Coop.
Coordinator of the Industrial Design Innovation Area - Mondragón Unibertsitatea
Director of Technology and Advanced Learning - Gobierno Vasco
Sustainability and Environment Manager - Irurena Group
Director of Financial Policy - Department for the Economy and Finance Basque Government
Managing director - Ormazabal Corporate Technology
Sustainable Planning Officer - Ayuntamiento de Durango
Innovation Director - CFP San Viator
Automotive Catalyst - TKnika
Specialist in circular economy solutions
Design Lecturer and Researcher - Universidad de Deusto
Head of the Monitoring Specialisation Team - Ikerlan
CEO and technical director - Birziplastik
Director of Engineering, Quality and the Environment - CIE Automotive
CEO - Revenant
Institutional Relations Technician - Koopera
HSE Manager - Gearbox, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
Transfer manager - BRTA
City and Territory Director - KREAN
Directora general - Aclima, Basque Environment Cluster
Managing Director - Limia & Martín
Health, Sustainability and Quality Manager - Eroski S. Coop
Investigator - TEKNIKER
Director de Comunicacion- Babyauto Group
Head of Circular Enterprises - Ihobe, Public Environmental Management Company. Basque Government
Head of Environment in Global Sustainability Management (ESG) - Telefónica
President - European Clusters Alliance
General manager - Grupo Otua
Technical manager for R&D projects - Loramendi S. Coop.
Project Manager - ERAIKUNE
Sustainability Manager - Uvesco
International Operations Director - Batz S. Coop.
Director of Environment and Industrial Relations - Birziplastic.
Investigador Senior - Tecnalia
Director of Motorlan - FAGOR AUTOMATION S.COOP.
Quality Manager - Ojmar SA
Director of Strategy and Innovation - Ihobe, Public Environmental Management Company. Basque Government
Senior partner - Talantia
Coordinator of the Marine Technologies Area - AZTI BRTA
Founder and CTO - Optimus3D
Co-founder and Managing Director - Txita
Technical Department - R&D – Zorelor
Director of Sustainability and Social Commitment - UPV/EHU
Sustainable Construction manager - Ihobe, Public Environmental Management Company. Basque Government
Basque Country Headquarters director - AENOR
CEO - Predictia
Environment Officer - Batz S.Coop.
Industrialisation Coordinator - Visesa
Environment Officer – Irizar
Innovation Department - Ternua
S4 Strategic Projects Service - Economic and Business Development Department. Government of Navarre
Deputy General Manager - AFM - Clúster de la Fabricación Avanzada y Digital
Director of the Environment and ORP Unit - ONDOAN, S.Coop.
Environmental Monitoring and Circularity Coordinator - Grunver
Professor / Researcher - Mondragon Unibertsitatea
Director of Natural Heritage and Climate Change - Vice Ministry of Environmental Sustainability. Basque Government
Director - CIMAS Innovación y Medio Ambiente, S.L.L.
General manager - Elkargi
Business area Manager for Materials and Construction Products - Tecnalia - BRTA
Manager - Hervel Electroquímica
Project manager - Tecnalia - BRTA
Head of Primary and EAF decarbonization - Global R&D Spain
Deputy Head of Circular Economy and Industrial Leadership - Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission
CEO - Alterity
Project manager - Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP)