
Technical Director - IK Ingeniería

Founding partner and Technical Director of Ingurumenaren Kideak Ingeniería S.L.

Industrial Engineer specialised in Manufacturing and PhD Industrial Engineer in Sustainable Materials and Processes.

During his professional career in the company, spanning almost 20 years, he has led numerous projects on life cycle analysis, eco-design, eco-labelling and circular economy, and he has also participated in numerous training courses for both working professionals and young people still in training, on different Master’s Degrees and Post-graduate courses.

In the field of environmental labelling and communication, and specifically in the field of Environmental Product Declarations, he has been approved as a verifier for 2 different programmes, namely “The International EPD System” run by the Swedish entity, Environdec, and “GlobalEPD”. He is also a member of the Eco-design Scientific Committee for Latin America, ECODAL.