
General director - BRTA

Rikardo Bueno is an industrial engineer doctor and general manager of BRTA – Basque scientific-technological consortium, the alliance of 17 technological centres and cooperative research centres and the Basque administration.

Before leading BRTA, he worked in Tecnalia, in positions that included responsibilities both in manufacturing research, with the main objective of transferring new technologies to the industrial network, and in internationalization, with the aim of cooperating with leading European organizations in the development of technological assets.

Rikardo is also involved in European activities and initiatives on innovation in manufacturing. He is a member of Manufuture, has been co-chair of the industrial consulting group (AIAG) of the public-private partnership (PPP) Factories of the Future and has been one of the driving forces behind EIT Manufacturing and its node in the Basque Country. The idea behind the participation in these initiatives has always been to “expand the field” of R&D in manufacturing, so that the European industry can be more innovative and thus competitive at global level.