
Sustainability and Environment Manager - Irurena Group

Mikel Larrañaga Mezquita has a degree in Chemistry from the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU), specialising in macromolecules. He continued his training by obtaining Advanced Studies in Chemistry.

He began his professional activity as a researcher at the University of the Basque Country, participating in joint company-university projects. He later joined the R&D department at Krafft, S.A., where he carried out research in the automotive field. Since 2000, he has been part of the PINTURAS OROPAL paint company, where he works as a researcher in the R&D department and in the environmental department, implementing an environmental management system in accordance with the Ekoscan standard. After joining IRURENA GROUP, he has worked as the Sustainability and Environment Manager, in charge of promoting the culture of circularity and sustainability within the organisation, obtaining certifications and carrying out procedures with the administration and implementing an environmental management system in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard.