
Managing Director - IK – Ingeniería

With an academic background in Industrial Engineering specialising in Mechanical Design, he is a founding partner and Managing Director of Ingurumenaren Kideak Ingeniería, S.L.

In a career spanning almost 20 years in this company, he has led numerous projects on life cycle analysis, eco-innovation, eco-labelling and communication of the environmental profile of products and organisations and in general in the circular economy field, also participating in numerous courses for both working professionals and young people still in training, on different masters and postgraduate courses.

In the field of environmental labelling and communication, and specifically in the field of Environmental Product Declarations, he has been approved as a verifier for 3 different programmes, such as “The International EPD System” run by the Swedish entity Environdec, AENOR’s “GlobalEPD” and by “EPD Norge”.