
CEO - Predictia

Daniel San Martín is the CEO and one of the founders of Predictia.

Daniel has a Degree in Telecommunications Engineering and a Master’s Degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Cantabria.

Daniel has been working on developing software products and services for climate information processing and management for more than 15 years.

He has been Predictia’s project manager in national and international research projects (FP7, H2020, Horizon Europe) and contracts for institutions, such as IPCC, FAO, Iberdrola, Copernic, AEMET, IEA or EDP.

He has worked as a consultant for FAO and was a contributing author in the Atlas Chapter of the last IPCC Assessment Report, having led the technical development of the Interactive Atlas.

Daniel maintains significant R&D activity and has published more than 20 articles in specialised journals.