
Director of Natural Heritage and Climate Change - Vice Ministry of Environmental Sustainability. Basque Government

BSc. In Geology, University of the Basque Country (Spain), Msc. and PhD. in Oceanography, University of Southampton (U.K.).

Has lead and collaborated in many projects, both at national and international level being specialized in sedimentology and morphodynamics.

Is author of multiple scientific and technical national and international publications, as well as of many technical reports and international congress presentations.

At present leads the value assessment of the different technological assets developed within the organization, being responsible of the transference of technical and scientific knowledge to the private and public sectors.

Is member of the Basque Environmental Advisory Council of the Basque Government , of the Committee of experts of the UNESCO Chair for the Reserve of Urdaibai and permanent member of the board of the Spanish Port and Coasts Engineers’ Conference.

At European level he is member of the European Fisheries Technology Platform and the European Aquaculture Technological and Innovation Platform.