
Sustainable Construction manager - Ihobe, Public Environmental Management Company. Basque Government

Sustainable Construction Manager, Ihobe

Degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Salamanca

Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of the Basque Country

Since 1999 he is part of the Technical Area at Ihobe, Public Environmental Management Company of the Basque Government.

During this period, he has carried out the design, development and management of initiatives such as:

  • Ihobe-Line environmental consulting service for companies and citizens
  • Ihobe Environmental Observatory: Strategic surveillance service and technological antenna in environmental matters
  • Technological demonstration projects in Circular Economy
  • Legal, Technical and Supporting Instruments and Publications on Waste Management and Reintegration of Recycled Materials, Particularly Construction and Demolition Waste and Biowaste
  • Legal, Technical and Supporting Instruments and Publications on Sustainable Construction and Building
  • Purchase criteria and green public procurement and associated instruments in construction works